Achieve Quality Equally For All Indonesian Student

Candidate College is an Education Platform that works to facilitate students in Indonesia at home and aboard to achieve a quality education system.


Your Potential

Take Your Learning to the Next Level


Who Are We

Edu-Platform for Indonesian Students

Candidate College is an Education Platform that works to facilitate students in Indonesia at home and aboard to achieve a quality education system.

Help student achieve their educational goals

Help student achieve their educational goals

Share inspirational and helpfull events

Share inspirational and helpfull events

Spread knowledge through articles

Spread knowledge through articles

Our Articles

With Insightful and Actual Topic

Candidate College is an Education Platform that works to facilitate students in Indonesia at home and aboard to achieve a quality education system.

Our Events

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Engage in enriching experiences that foster growth. Join us for insightful sessions, workshops, and more. Don't miss out!